international student recruitment and admission.
Since 2008, we have enabled hundreds of educational institutions,
government bodies and employers to run English language assessments
under their own control and brand wherever and whenever required.
In September 2022, we began delivering the Password Skills Plus test directly to students in their own homes.
Password tests have proven to have extremely high levels of accuracy and are now run in over 120 countries around the world.

Our values are honesty and simplicity in everything we do. We believe that consultation and communication should be at the heart of each and every new development and enhancement.
All Password products and services are designed to deliver clear value to our partners.

The Password journey started in the UK back in 2003 when, as a senior manager of Brunel University London, Caroline Browne our founder was tasked with trebling the number of international students. One of the tools she needed to achieve this was a secure way of reliably assessing the English language capabilities of students applying to the University.
Having developed their own paper-based English test and realising its drawbacks, Caroline consulted with other UK universities and found that there was a widespread need for a different way of assessing incoming international students.
So, with the help of some funding from the University of the Arts London, Caroline began an amazing journey which has helped not only UK universities recruit and retain more international students but has given universities, colleges, schools and employers across the world accurate, reliable and secure English language and Maths tests. Password tests are now used for more purposes than she could ever have dreamt of. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, tests are used in over 120 countries around the world.
Password English tests are academically designed and managed by CRELLA based at the University of Bedfordshire. Founded by Professor Cyril Weir OBE and now directed by Professor Anthony (Tony) Green, CRELLA are a research group of world leading experts in testing and assessment.
In the recent 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the official UK government assessment of university research classified 72% of the studies submitted by CRELLA as world leading. This placed it third in the country in research conducted in the field of English and English Language.
All Password English tests are formally aligned to the CEFR.
The Password Maths test was originally designed by a Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia. During 2017 it was refined and extended in consultation with a group of leading UK independent schools.
All Password tests are designed with security in mind.
Company Registration
English Language Testing Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales with company number 06287003. The company commenced trading on 11th February 2008.